Monday, August 10, 2015

Be a Kid, Be Not Afraid

"My only criticism of you is that you need to learn to be a kid, to soak in the moment. To live in the moment."
My employer told me that. Think about that for a moment: my employer!
It's true. Not being able to be a kid is a weakness of mine. It is partly personality. I am always trying to get things done. I have goals, dreams and I am insanely driven.
So like any responsible person who was told they needed to be more of a kid, I started to think about kids, especially in how that relates to being a child of God.

First of all, kids think in a totally different manner than how I think, but they fascinate me. One of the things about them that fascinates me is how they live. They have no worries, no fears.
Most of all though, they are not afraid to fail.

Kids are not afraid to fail. Think about that for a moment.

What would you do if you were not afraid to fail?

A lot of things.

Kids are willing to try anything because they are not afraid to fail. Kids have an ability to live fearlessly because they are not afraid to fail.

Me, on the other hand, I live in the adult world where failure seems like the worst possible outcome ever. This makes me afraid, especially afraid to fail.

This fear leaves me stunted. Stuck.

Like the Taylor Swift song Fearless reminds me, kids are fearless. But why?

They are fearless because they know they are loved and they know that their worth is not dependent on what they do.

Pope St. John Paul II is widely known for saying "Be not afraid." There's  a good reason for that.  "Be not afraid." is one of the most often repeated verses in the Bible. (Be not Afraid)

Over and over again. "Be not afraid." Genesis 15:1

John Paul II also said, “We are not the sum of our weaknesses and failures. We are the sum of the Father’s love for us and our real capacity to become the image of his Son…”  I think there is a connection here.

Kids can be fearless because they don't find their worth in what they do. But neither should we. We can truly live out the phrase "Be not afraid." when we know that we are more than our failures.

So what does it mean to be a kid? What does it mean to be a child of God? It means not being afraid to fail.

It means not being afraid to go outside of your comfort zone. It means putting yourself out there. It means listening to the Lord and spending time with him, because kids don't have schedules. Then it means going out and not being afraid to tell others.

The Lord asks us to do a lot of things, if we listen to him. Things that are scary. But the Lord is calling you to be like a child, asking you to trust Him as a child trusts and to "Be not afraid."

You are so loved.

{This is part two of about being like a child. Part 1 Be like a child}

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