Wednesday, August 12, 2015


When I was younger, we had a bird feeder in our backyard. I remember looking out the window, hoping beyond hope that maybe today there would be a bluebird or a red-winged blackbird. Unfortunately, it was usually just grackles and mourning doves.

I did develop a fondness for the white-throated sparrow though. It might not be a bluebird, but it has one of the most beautiful songs, and I loved when the tiny thing would show up for a quick bite to eat at our seeded buffet. It was more than welcome to displace the boohooing pigeons and the grouchy grackles. 

The bird feeder is gone now, and I don't see sparrows much anymore, but they left a lasting impression upon me. Apparently God's has a soft spot for them too, because he mentions them a good bit in the Bible. I just came across this passage.

Are not five sparrows sold for two small coins? Yet not one of them has escaped the notice of God. Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. Do not be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows. Luke 12:6-7

I love this so much. It's one of those passages that settles my heart and fills me with contentment and peace. There's so much good in two short little verses.

First things first, let's talk about the birds. Sparrows are teeny tiny, and apparently they weren't very valuable. 5 for 2, that's quite the deal. Even still, Jesus says that God hasn't forgotten a single one; He sees them all, and he cares for them. Regardless of how small or insignificant they seem to us, God must think they're pretty cool to pay so much attention to them.

So then what about the things in your life that seem small or insignificant? What about the test you need to pass or the ankle you twisted? God cares about those too. Don't hesitate to bring the little things to God in prayer. Don't hold onto them because you think God doesn't want to be bothered.

Seriously, God "bothered" to count the hairs on your head! Think about that. On average, we have 100,000 strands of hair. God counted each and every one, He knows the exact number.

But that's not the most incredible thing. Jesus says that even the hairs on your head have been counted. EVEN! Think about what that means. If God took the time to go through the imaginably tedious task of numbering the thousands of hairs on your head, if he made the effort to know about that, what other things do you think he knows? Obviously God knows everything, but the point that Jesus is making is that He wants to know. He cares about you, about all of you. He knows and cares about every broken bone, every missing tooth, and every. last. detested. pimple. He knows about every broken heart, every single tear, and every shattered dream. Every fear, every joy, He knows and cares about your deepest struggles and your greatest desires. Nothing is too small to escape God's notice or too big to resist His love.

So as Jesus says, do not be afraid! God is on your side. You are worth more than many sparrows.

Peace be with you.
~ Caitlin

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