Monday, August 24, 2015

10 Minutes

I want to issue a challenge. One that I am sure to fail at more times than I will ever care to admit. But that is why it is called a challenge.

First I have a few questions...

How much time do you actually spend on Facebook everyday?

How much time did you spend on Pinterest today?

Not to forget, Buzzfeed, Twitter, Instagram and my personal favorite: Netflix.

Think about it for a moment. Think about all the time we spend wasting time.

I know we have busy lives. I have one. We have days where we go, go, go and we feel that we never have a minute to spare.

The days when that line at Starbucks is just way too long because we have so much to do! (First world problems much?)

We all have busy lives.

Yet somehow we usually make time for social media. I know you do it. At least I do. :)

With all the busy-ness and noise, we let God take the back seat. Yes, we do. You know we do.

So I am issuing a challenge.

Spend 10 minutes reading the Bible each day. Just ten minutes. Try to make it a daily habit.

That's it. It's simple.

We all have ten minutes. Let's spend those ten minutes in the Bible.

I said simple. I didn't say easy. Making any kind of good habit is usually hard, but it's totally worth it.
Here's a little bit of advice to help you get started. In most cases, it helps when setting goals to have a specific time to do something. For me, that is going to be the morning. I always have coffee in the morning, so now I am going to try to wake up a little bit earlier to have coffee with Jesus, in His Book.

And for the days when I wake up late, I can always spend ten minutes reading the Bible before I fall asleep.

I hope you choose to take this challenge. I promise the Lord will blow you away with what He has to say to you when you open His Book and listen. It's well worth the time. What better way to spend ten minutes?

Be not Afraid.

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