Friday, June 5, 2015

Trust In The Lord

For the past few days, I have been contemplating what to write about in this first post of mine. Late last night, after a long day of paper writing and studying for my upcoming SATs, I realized I should probably be putting more thought into this.  I wanted to find the topic that I could relate to the most, but the thing mind was blank.

So I procrastinated!

I was watching one of my favorite YouTube vloggers, and in the video he raised this question:

"What would you do if you weren't afraid of anything?"

This really struck me. It made me realize that I am afraid of a lot more than I think.

I'm afraid of starting this blog, because I'm scared I won't post frequently and consistently enough.

I'm afraid of writing this post, and every future post, because I'm worried about what people will think.

I'm afraid that I am not worthy or qualified enough to be in this position.

I'm afraid of making myself this vulnerable to begin with!

Then tonight I decided to open a little paper booklet with 9 days worth of reflections in it, and start at Day 1. The scripture passage read:

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence do not rely; In all your ways be mindful of Him, and He will make straight your paths.
-Proverbs 3:5-6

I'm sure you've all heard this verse millions of times. But at that moment, it had a completely new meaning to me. Especially the line in the booklet that proceeded it:

"Ask Jesus for the grace to learn how to completely let go of all your worries and trust in Him with all of your heart."

This really hit home, and I took it as a sign to start writing. Because if I'd let go of all of my worries, if I'd put all of my trust in the Lord before now, I would've started writing this post days ago! I think we tend to underestimate just how hard it is to trust, to let go of all of our fears, and let God have control.

I know it seems silly, but when it comes to starting The Bible Freaks, there are a lot of things that scare me. But the difference between the past few days and now, is that I have let go of those things and all my other fears, and put them into God's Hands.

Yes, I still have those worries, but they don't scare me anymore. I know that I have a God Who understands me, a God Who has a beautiful, divine plan for me beyond my wildest imagination, and He most certainly has one for you too.

And to answer the question, if I weren't afraid of anything, this is what I'd be doing.

-Sarah :)