About "The Bible Freaks"

This project started a long time ago, once upon a midnight, in a hotel room far, far away. It was just an idea, which turned into a desire, which turned into this.
The Bible Freaks is all about, you guessed it, the Bible! We want to grow in knowledge and love of God by diving deeper into His Word. And we want to do it with you!
The Bible is the greatest story ever told. It's the story of a people who had everything and gave it away, and the God who gave it back to them. It's your story and my story. It's our story. And it's kind of amazing! It's time we start living it.
The Bible Freaks is about doing just that! It's about finding answers to questions, reasons to hope, and things to praise Him for. It's about learning who God is and who we are, and the difference that it makes. It's all about Him, and discovering how He loves us.
Grab your Bibles, guys and gals! Let's do this!

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