Monday, July 27, 2015

Childlike: What It's Not

"Unless you become like a little child, you cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven." Mathew 18:3

I want to talk about what this doesn't mean. I will write another post about what it does mean next week.

When I see myself before God as a child, I am in a candy store.

The whole event is perfectly ingrained in my mind. I can visualize myself. I am 5 years old, small and adorable with lovely blond curls.

Like most kids in a candy store, I want the candy.

I want it so badly that I am throwing a royal fit. I am lying on the ground, screaming, crying and kicking my legs. I want that candy and I want it now!

The only part of this story that's real is that those are the kind of fits I threw as a child. Thankfully, I don't throw those kinds of fits anymore when I don't get what I want. At least not literally.

But I have to admit, when talking to God, I still throw those fits.

I yell at Him and think, "Why won't you just give me what I want?"

I want something and I want Him to give it to me. I know that it's childish to demand and beg and get mad when I do not get what I want.

Still, when I look deep down, I know that I still do this with God. I still throw fits and demand he give me what I want. Like I said, it's childish.

Childlike is something totally different. Stick around for next week when I go into detail about what it really means to be a child.

Trust me, it has nothing to do with throwing fits....

You are so loved.

Sorry for the lack of posts last week... we all went on an unplanned blog hiatus. The good news is that Sarah is back and will be posting again! :)

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