Monday, August 17, 2015

Does It Matter?

A few weeks ago, in anticipation of the upcoming school year, I was doing research about the best ways to study and learn.

What I found overwhelmingly (using a search engine and Netflix) is that we remember what matters to us personally.

And it made so much sense.

There are things I remember so well, defining moments in my life that I will never forget. I remember exact words that were once said that changed my life.

I remember them because they matter to me, personally.

So a few months into this project, I wanted to go back to the purpose.

Why the Bible Freaks?

The answer is very simple. Because we want the Bible to matter to us personally. The Bible is not just words to read and then forget about. It is not just words on a page.

But if  we're not paying attention, we can let it be. We can read the Bible and totally let it pass us by. We can read the Bible everyday and never really "get" it.

The Bible has a message for you and me and it needs to matter to each one of us personally.

My greatest fear with this project is that you will just read our reflections and posts, without letting it affect you and without engaging the Bible in a real way.

My greatest prayer for this project is just the opposite: that it will help you to see how the Bible applies to you personally.

This project calls me to search, to pray, to deepen my faith, and to dive into Scripture. It invites me to take a look and see what God is doing in my life and to see what messages He has for me. That's what I want it to do for you.

I find myself in the Bible more often than I would like to admit. I find myself in the Prodigal Son, and I find myself in the Woman at the Well. I see myself in them and I see my mess, but more importantly I see God's love. I see a love so great it gave everything for me...and then He wrote it down.

I don't want the Bible to be just words on a page, not for me or for you. I want it to become alive in your life. I want your life and mine to be a reflection of the living Word.

Because these words were not just meant to be written or read; they were meant to be lived!

So live it. Start right now. Take some time to think about if the Bible does matter to you personally. If so, why? If not, why not? And do you want it to? Because it can.

The Bible is God speaking to us. The God of the universe is talking to us! He's been waiting for all eternity for you to take the time to listen, and if you're anything like me, you spend more time on Facebook than reading the Bible.

Take the time now. Pick up your Bible and find yourself in the greatest love story ever told. Listen to the God of the universe tell you just how much He cares, and let it matter.

Let it matter to you. Personally.

Be not Afraid.

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