Friday, September 4, 2015


It was the second day of school and I was already behind. I think it ought to go without saying that I am not optimistic for the remainder of my senior year.

I knew it would be like this. I knew that eventually the excitement of a new schedule and the interest in new classes would fade away and the real work would begin.

I just didn't know it would be like this. I didn't know I'd last less than 48 hours before I had to catch up on my assignments.

Though you know, judging by the sporadic nature of my posts, that I'm hardly good at time management!

I really thought this year would be different. I really thought this year, I'm going to stick with it and organize myself so that I'm not drowning in loose leaf, and this year I'm going to be on top of things.

Bang goes that theory.

I wonder why it's always like this for me. I mean really, it's not like I try to get behind. I'm doing my best! So maybe I sleep in a little later in the morning, and yeah, maybe I should get myself put together before noon every once and a while. It's not like it's affecting my work! Just because I take Netflix breaks doesn't mean I have less time for reading, and...

Wait...oh, I see.

Focus. That all too elusive concept. It's nearly impossible for me to focus on any one thing, and I couldn't multitask if you offered me a million dollars.

That's why I'm a terrible driver. :)

But it's also why I'm a distracted student. I have a hard time paying attention to the task at hand. My mind is always going a million miles an hour, but never about schoolwork. It's difficult to keep from chasing rabbits and stick to the path.

On Sunday, the homily (sermon) was about just that: focus. It reminded me of how important it is to focus on God, and let everything else flow from that.

If I'm focused on God and what He wants from me, then I am automatically more inclined to be focused on the important things in life. I will be able to prioritize and can be fully aware of what I'm doing. That doesn't rule out Netflix; it just means that when I do watch Netflix I'm not doing so to the neglect of more important things. This focus not only improves the quality of my work but also the quality of my leisure, so Netflix becomes all the more awesome.

I was so excited about this idea of focus. I was sure I could do this.

Enter Monday, the first day of school.

Not. Focused.

Now, I have two options. Either I can descend into the depths of self-pity because I mean really, I couldn't focus for two days...or, I could look and see what the Bible says about focus.

I've tried the pity thing before, so let's try the Bible.

Let your eyes look straight ahead and your gaze be focused forward.
Proverbs 4:25
Be eager to present yourself as acceptable to God, a workman who causes no disgrace, imparting the word of truth without deviation.
2 Timothy 2:15
Entrust your works to the Lord, and your plans shall succeed.
Proverbs 16:3
And I'm sure that's just the beginning.

God has an incredible plan for our lives. In order for us to live them, we have to focus on His voice, focus on the task at hand, and focus on the final destination. For many of us, that unfortunately means focusing on our homework.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go start my school day. Not that I was putting it off by writing a blog post or anything like that. :)

Peace be with you.

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