Wednesday, June 3, 2015

He Must Increase

I must say it's a daunting task, much more so than I anticipated it would be. A blinking cursor and a blank page are perhaps the most forbidding pair I've chanced to come upon.

"It's just a post," I thought. "It'll be fine, easy even."


It's not fine. It was not okay for me to repeatedly put this off. It is now exactly 9:03 p.m. the night before this post is set to be published. And I have writer's block.


Nothing I can think of is good enough. It's not funny enough, it's not witty enough, it's not deep on and so on. I am so worried about being clever and wise and having everybody think I'm so smart.

Unfortunately, I am just a little bit prideful.

It's sad, but it's also true. I don't like it, but I can't deny it. I'd like to say it's not a dominant trait of mine, and I hope I'd be right. I can say, though, that it is probably causing my writer's block.

I've been becoming increasingly aware of this self-centeredness. One place I've found it is in my faith. I have a terrible tendency to make it about me: what I do or don't do, how good or bad a person I've been. I spend a lot of time gaining knowledge about God, and not a lot of time getting to know Him. I talk a lot about God, but I rarely talk to Him. I make my faith all about me, not about Him.

I'm worried I will make The Bible Freaks all about me too.

I was thinking about all of this while brainstorming for this post. A verse came to my mind. It is one of the few verses I know by heart, and one of my favorites.

He must increase; I must decrease.
John 3:30

It's not about me. Nothing is supposed to be about me! If this project is about me, it is worthless.

My thoughts are nothing. My plans are nothing. My life is nothing if it's not lived for Christ.

And so...we at The Bible Freaks move forward with the realization and the conviction that this blog is not about us. It's about Him. It's all about Him.

My pride is not a good thing. It's a flaw. It's a failure. The most amazing thing about it though? It's fixable.

The God who conquered death itself is more than capable of conquering my pride. Not only that, He can fix everything else that's messed up about me and you. He can and will make our brokenness beautiful.

I hope He will use The Bible Freaks to do that.

Peace be with you.
~ Caitlin

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