Monday, June 1, 2015

Only a Youth

A few nights, ago I was flipping through the Bible.

Earlier that day I had texted my friend about this project and I wrote:
" I don't have the prayer life for this . . ."

I really don't.

I am not a great Scripture scholar at all. The month preceding that night I had not even opened my Bible once. Not once in thirty days.

As I flipped through, I realized just how ill-prepared I am for this project. I don't have all the answers to Scripture. I do not even have a regular habit of reading the Bible.

Honestly, I find Scripture intimidating.

There is so much to it, so much depth and a lot of the time I do not even know where to start.

I am no theologian. I cannot explain the meaning behind all of Scripture.

All I do know is that I love the Bible. There is a richness and a depth that can only be found in the Bible. Reading and studying the Bible should be an integral part of our lives as Christians.

The entire purpose of this project is for people to read the Bible more, to become more familiar with it, and consequently to grow in relationship with Christ.

If even just the three girls who write this blog spend more time reading Scripture as a result, then we will have succeeded.

But... back to my original problem, which is that I am the least qualified to do this.

Odds are I do not know more about the Bible than you do.  I might not even read it as much as you do. I am just a girl with a passion for God's Word and a desire to spread it.

Still the task is intimidating.

What I want you to know about me (about all of us) is this: None of us have all the answers. We might be wrong a lot. We personally screw up a lot. We do not know everything there is to know about the Bible. We often do not even know where to start.

Still, despite our personal flaws and incompetencies, God can use us. And He can use you as well.

"Ah, Lord GOD!” I said, “I do not know how to speak. I am too young!” But the LORD answered me, Do not say, “I am too young.” To whomever I send you, you shall go; whatever I command you, you shall speak.
Jeremiah 1:6-7, emphasis added
I read this verse and I knew I was called to write this, to be a part of this project no matter how young or unqualified I might be.

Never doubt or be afraid to do what God is asking of you. 

Know that you are loved.

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