Sunday, May 31, 2015

Word of God!

It might have seemed like a typical slumber party. It was about 2 a.m. Some of us were trying to sleep.  Others of us were giggling like only teenage girls can.

Only we weren't talking about typical teenage girl things. I was trying, desperately trying, to explain the Song of Songs.

Except I was failing. Kind of miserably.

Flipping through the Bible, we had happened to come across this little gem of a book and suddenly we found ourselves very confused.

Which is not at all surprising if you have ever actually read the Song of Songs.

Exhibit A:

Your teeth are like a flock of ewes to be shorn, that come up from the washing, all of them big with twins, none of them barren.
Song of Songs 4:2
Wait, what? 
Thus the reason I was trapped trying to explain it and not even knowing just how or what to explain.

What I did know was that there had to be more to all of this Bible stuff. I knew there had to be more to it.

Why had I never opened the Bible and really tried to understand it?

That night was a turning point for us. We all realized that there was a lot to the Bible that we did not know and we needed to find out.

We needed to immerse ourselves in the Word. We needed to delve deeper into Scripture.

That was when we decided to do something about it. That was when the Bible Freaks were born.

The Bible Freaks is all about sharing a love of Scripture. I want to share a love of Scripture because I think we are so familiar with it we fail to even notice it. I think we might be desensitized to how amazing the Bible actually is. I know I have been. I have a Bible, I always have, I can read it whenever I want.

But just take a step back and think about it for a second.

Scripture is the WORD OF GOD.

image created on meme generator

His WORD! Sometimes we forget that this is kind of a big deal. Scripture is God speaking to us, right here and right now. Not just to the Church in general but to us, as individuals. That means we have to respond as individuals. We have to take advantage of this incredible gift that God has given us.We have to listen to what He wants to tell us.

Imagine if you had the opportunity to have a one on one conversation with Jesus. To have Him tell you what to do and how to live and what He wants for you.

It would be weird. It would be crazy. It would be awesome and you would want everyone else to have that same experience. You would not be able to contain your excitement and your joy and you would just have to share it with everyone!

We believe that is exactly what the Bible is. The Bible is God's love letter to the world, His instruction manual for how to navigate through life, and the story of just how far He was willing to go to save us from ourselves.

It is God's Word, and we cannot wait to discover it with you!

We are still new to studying the Bible. We have a long way to go and we are far from experts. Nothing we say should be taken as absolute truth or infallible interpretation. We are just girls who love God's Word and want to share it with the world. We hope that, in spite of the fact that we don't know all the answers and can't promise to be right all the time, this blog will be a source of inspiration for you as you grow in your relationship with God.

That's why we're doing this. We want to get to know who He is, and we are so excited you want to join us!

Know that you are loved.