Monday, June 8, 2015

Esther: Old Testament Princess Diaries

I know that every single girl of my generation has watched the The Princess Diaries...and if you have not, you should because that might make this post a bit confusing!

Here is the basic story line: A girl named Mia discovers that her Dad was a Prince and that she is the Princess of a small country called Genovia. Mia is now faced with a choice. Will she choose to be a princess, with all of the duties that come with it? Or will she decide to remain a relatively normal American teenager?

I have always wondered: What would I choose if I were Mia?

Would I choose to be a Princess, or would I choose to simply be a typical teen?

Esther in the Old Testament was also faced with a similar choice.

She was a normal Jewish girl, just living her life, when she was chosen to be part of a group of girls from whom the new queen would be chosen. (Imagine something a little like the modern day Bachelor.)

Esther was given an opportunity to be queen, to make a difference. But she had to decide what to do with it, just like Mia.

We know the rest of the story. We know what Esther chose, and we know that through that choice she was able to save her people.

Still the question remains: What would you choose?

Not that any of us are likely to become the next princess in  foreign country that we've never heard of! However, like Esther, we will probably have an opportunity to take on a position where we can do a lot of good by going out there and doing what is scary.

It was hard for Esther. After all, Queen Vashati had been ousted for not obeying the King's orders.

Esther chose to put herself out there, and make a difference no matter the personal cost. The end result was that she saved her people.

But to do that, Esther had to risk it all.

When she is confused and torn up about what to do, her Uncle Mordecai says to her:

"And who knows whether or not you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"

This is the line that strikes me to the very core of my being and calls me to do something great.

We are all called to do something with our lives. Something that only I can do, something that only you can do.

So I invite you to ponder this verse:

What is it that you are called to do for such a time as this?

For me, personally, this project has been one of those things. It is a small contribution that I have been called to take part in, and it is scary. Still, I ponder those words because the meaning changes and grows as the Lord calls me and reveals to me His plan for my life.

You are loved!

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